On a long, long journey.

I code. I dream. I emote ... welcome to my part of the world. :)

About me

When I was a child, I wanted to do better in life. Now that I am, life still seems incomplete.

Partly, it's the awareness that I could still do much better. The other part is the neverending search. I don't at all harbor the delusions that I've arrived. Perhaps I never will. But that's okay; I've been journeying for so long that the process has become more picturesque than the imagined result. Over time, this has become true for me as much in software as in life. There's no perfect system or language; they all are means to and end and need to be enjoyed as such.

As a person, I'm an open book. Except when I'm angry. :)



  • PHP
  • C
  • JavaScript


  • Laravel
  • CodeIgniter
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap


  • MySQL

Contact Me

  • Email: avicse509@gmail.com
  • Call: (+91) 80561 94995
  • WhatsApp: (+91) 80561 94995
  • Skype: avicse1